Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2010

"Schüler malen für den Frieden - German pupils draw for peace"

COMENIUS Projects – a constant Taking and Giving –
Our school was given wonderful pieces of drawings by the Spanish and English school on the teachers´ visit in February. The English children had drawn views of Oxford in different techniques and pictures showing their favourite places at school.
When seeing these presents our Comenius International buddies had the idea of doing something similar and developed, together with the teachers for Art and English, a little project for the pupils of year 4 – 6 to draw pictures of their favourite places at home, at their villages and at school and giving reasons for their choice.
Our bilingual school club translated the texts into English. The results being very positive made us ask our local bank to have an exhibition in its place.
So some of the English and the German pictures were displayed there for a month. In June they were given to our Spanish partner school.

Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2010

Meeting at SEVILLA

we are having our first meeting in our partner school in Sevilla. We are learning how to upload texts and photos onto our blog. It is hard work and the outside temperatures are very high.
Our friends from Oxford school are here, too.

Hallo alle in Weidenhausen,
wir arbeiten heute morgen bei wunderbar hoher Temperatur zusammen mit unseren KollegInnen aus England und Spanien an unserem gemeinsamen blog. Wir haben schon einige Unterrichsstunden gesehen. Unsere Partnerschule ist eine Bilingual-Schule, daher war es nicht schwierig, dem Unterricht zu folgen.

Ruth Bodenbender
Brigitte Berger-Lapp
Petra Schepanski
Isabel Spenner